Memories of the Oasis

Memories of the Oasis

In the midst of the ongoing situation with the Oasis leisure centre, my ad-hoc guest blogger Rebecca Davies, shares her memories of the Oasis from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. My Memories of the Oasis, by Rebecca Davies BSc (Hons). I thought I ought to write...

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The Oasis and Inclusivity

The Oasis and Inclusivity

From one of the campaign team, Helena Williams Bowie, on the topic of the Oasis and inclusivity.

Back in 1972 when Swindon’s elders conceived the Oasis, the town had a population around half of what it is today. They knew back then the town’s population could and would have a rapid increase. And indeed, the expansion of Swindon continues almost 50 years on. Back then the administration in charge had a bold vision. Now we’re lacking facilities with double the population.

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West Swindon – What the eye doesn’t see

Swindon In 50 Buildings

Swindon – A Born Again Swindonian’s Guide

Dona Bradley Architectural Illustrator

We Are Swindon