Peroni Red Label Beer
I guess this one is a bit of a cheat in that I’ve already done a generic Italian beer post in this Swindon in 50 drinks blog series. But here I’m taking the top off Peroni Red Label beer,

In that post I covered the ubiquitous Peroni Nastro Azzuro and Birra Moretti. But then, in my defence, I didn’t know of the existence of Peroni Red Label. Not that is until I happened to pop into DaPaolo’s Italian delicatessen on Commercial Road for a coffee the other day and saw some on his shelves.

Peroni Red Label Beer

To refresh – ha! – your memories

On the subject of Peroni Nastro Azzuro:

‘From the Peroni official website we learn that the Peroni family conceived this beer in 1963. A beer to embody Italian values of quality and craftsmanship. They describe the beer as being brewed through three generations of master brewers. According to them: ‘Peroni Nastro Azzurro uses only the finest ingredients, including our exclusive Nostrano dell’Isola maize.’ 

Thus, they say, they deliver a beer that is crisp and refreshing with a delicate balance of bitterness, citrus and spicy aromas with a fast, clean finish. I have no sense of smell so can’t comment on the aroma part.’

So now onto Peroni Red Label Beer – brewed since 1846. ABV 4.7%

Difford’s Guide tells us that Peroni is the original brand of the Peroni company. According to them it’s the most popular beer in the Italian peninsula. A bold claim.

Vinissimo meanwhile tells us that: ‘Peroni Red is Italy’s number one beer! Unlike the more famous Peroni Nastro Azzurro, the red labelled Peroni Red offers a slightly darker colour with more pronounced malty and hoppy characteristics.

The Peroni Brewery was established in 1846 in Vigevano, Lombardia. From then, Peroni has grown to become Italy’s most recognised beer and furthermore, Peroni red is the most widely consumed beer throughout the Italian Peninsula.’

So corroboration there then.

Now all that remains is for me to try it. I bought a couple of bottles of course! Now I would have got more but it was the carrying it. I do like a malty beer so I rather suspect I will enjoy it.

Cin, cin!

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